Mrs. Lisa Parks is our #A3AllStar of the week!

Say hello to this week's #A3AllStar!๐ŸŒŸ

Mrs. Lisa Parks is a familiar face around Starr-Iva Middle as she enters her 16th year as being the school secretary! Before her current role, she worked in a computer lab, drove a bus, and worked in a special education classroom, bringing her total years in education to 24!

When asked about working in education, Lisa said, "It is truly a blessing to work in the education field. I feel that this is where God has placed me. If I can make a difference in a student's life, I feel I have done my job!"

A co-worker nominated Mrs. Parks and had this to say, "This person is loving, caring, and so compassionate to everyone. She is also a blessing to everyone she meets. Mrs. Parks encourages others that are in distress and would do anything in this world to help someone in need. She is also extremely dedicated to her job, no matter how much pain she may be feeling. I am so lucky to have such a spirit-filled co-worker In my life and want to thank Lisa for making SIMS such a loving atmosphere."

Here are a few facts about Mrs. Parks:

  1. I love the Lord."
  2. I love spending time with my family. 
  3. I have been married for 26 years, and we have one daughter (Nicole Hembree) and one son (Colton Parks) and four grandchildren, Logan, Kailyn, Parkslyn, and Tucker Cash Hembree. They are always bringing smiles to my face. 
  4. One of my favorite sayings: Always make the best out of today, because you are not promised tomorrow! 

Thank you, Mrs. Lisa Parks, for your selfless dedication to the students of Anderson School District Three!