Nestled in a northern corner of Anderson 3, the district's fastest-growing elementary school can be found outperforming the odds despite carrying a slightly higher poverty index than the district's other schools. 

More importantly, Flat Rock Elementary carries a rare distinction, as it has achieved an "Excellent" rating on its 2024 South Carolina Report Card. But at Flat Rock, excellence isn’t just a ratingβ€”it’s a commitment, a culture, and a belief that all students can succeed, regardless of where they start.

β€œCommitted to Excellence”

Principal Christy Dodd has seen firsthand the unique struggles her students face. Yet, she’s never let those challenges dictate their futures. β€œAt Flat Rock, we are committed to excellence. That's our motto, and we talk about it every single day here,” she shared. β€œWe don't let background or circumstance stand in the way of what our students can achieve.”

For Dodd, a high-poverty school is not an excuse but rather a call to action. "We really don't care where you started the race; it's where you finish the race," she explained. β€œWhen our students cross that finish line, it’s going to be met with success.” It’s this message that reverberates through every classroom, reminding students and staff alike that their hard work will lead to accomplishment.

This culture of high expectations and personal responsibility is reflected in programs that encourage students to be present and engaged, like the school’s celebrated β€œFlamzing Attendance” initiative. β€œOur children have responded so well, and our community has responded well, too,” Dodd noted. β€œWhen students are here, we can teach them, and when we can teach them, they can learn, and they’re going to be excellent, and they’re going to be successful.

Intentional Programs and Support for Every Student

At the heart of Flat Rock’s instructional approach is a focused system of support tailored to meet students' unique needs. β€œWe make sure that all students are successful,” explained Assistant Principal Candace Roberts. One powerful example is their β€œShine Blocks,” an intervention and enrichment period designed to ensure students receive exactly what they need to grow. "We look at grades, test scores, and all forms of academic data to place students in targeted groups, matched with teachers who can best support them. That way, they receive strong instruction, regardless of background." At Flat Rock and in Anderson 3, data is at the core of all decisions, along with discussions of supporting the β€œwhole child” to ensure students are supported academically, socially, and emotionally. 

Flat Rock has also incorporated specialized literacy programs such as UFLI, Reading Horizons, and Heggerty to strengthen students' reading skills. β€œPrograms like UFLI and Heggerty are great examples of what we're doing here at Flat Rock to help our students be successful,” Roberts shared. β€œUFLI, developed by the University of Florida Institute, helps teachers teach phonological and phonemic awarenessβ€”skills like blending, segmenting, decoding, and encoding. These are essential tools that help students break words apart and build reading fluency.”

Complementing UFLI, Heggerty is used to focus on phonological awareness. β€œHeggerty is an incredible tool,” Roberts added, β€œIt teaches children how to break syllables apart and put them back together to form words, which builds a foundation for fluency and comprehension.”

These programs are part of a comprehensive approach, ensuring every student has access to the foundational skills necessary for literacy success and the confidence to tackle more challenging material.

Reading Coach Carly Herron explains that the school’s administration is committed to collaboration and empowers teachers to focus fully on their students. β€œOur leadership and administration team does an outstanding job of motivating and supporting our teachers here at Flat Rock,” she said. β€œOne way we do this is through our MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) meetings, where we meet monthly to talk about each student’s progress. Rather than putting all the responsibility on teachers, our administration collaborates to make phone calls and track data, so teachers can do what they’re really here to do: teach and care for the children.”

Additionally, during the SHINE Block (Students Having Intervention, Needs Met, and Enrichment), interventionists and support staff work behind the scenes, handling planning and materials preparation so that teachers can focus on instruction. β€œThe interventionists, reading coach, and assistant principal all come together to plan lessons and provide materials so our teachers can do what they do best,” Herron emphasized.

A Culture of Excellence, One Student at a Time

Flat Rock Elementary’s Excellent rating is more than a number. It’s a testament to the determination of a community that sees potential in every child, to the teachers who refuse to let poverty define achievement, and to the students who, surrounded by support and encouragement, are beginning to believe in themselves as much as their teachers believe in them.

As Principal Dodd says, β€œWe’re going to celebrate this excellent rating because we know it’s a product of all the hard work that we've put into our school.” In a place where challenges are real but hope is stronger, Flat Rock Elementary is proving that when a community comes together to believe in every child, incredible things can happen. And in this small town, where success is measured in the bright futures of every student, Flat Rock’s story of determination and resilience is just beginning.