Thank you to our volunteers who led our See You At The Pole event this morning!

Thank you to the faculty and staff of Flat Rock Elementary School for a great drill after school today. A big thank you to our custodians, paraprofessionals, and cafeteria workers who stayed late to participate. Our school is committed to excellence!

Flat Rock Robotics Team visits live show with astronaut Terry Virt at the Peace Center.

Flat Rock had so much fun moving Full STEAM Ahead at the Crescent homecoming parade!

Mrs. Moore's STEM students are learning to code on our new interactive panels.

Mrs. Christenburyโs class is using their learning lab to practice daily living skills and STEAM activities. To support the lab, they are selling t shirts and hoodies. An order form came home with Flat Rock students today. Thank you for supporting our learning lab at Flat Rock!

We love Thursdays at the Rock! Mrs. Christenburyโs class treats us. This week is was snack mix.

Mrs. Herronโs K5 class has been studying apples. Theyโve used their STEM skills to build towers to support their apples.

We enjoyed having our CHS football players greet our students again this Friday! Go Tigers!

Our Battle of the Books Registration for 3rd-5th graders has begun! Just go to this link to register your team: https://goo.gl/forms/8fLbmvxmTx9YOxqw2

Look! We made the newspaper! We are very thankful for our partnership with Unity Baptist Church and Flat Rock Baptist Church!

CHS football players and Coach Chambers greeted our students before school this morning, and we loved it! Go Tigers!

Congratulations to Mrs. Michele Wiles who has been nominated as a Carolina Panthers Teacher of the Week!

Mrs. Christenbury's class is using their STEAM skills to make sweet treats for the faculty and staff at Flat Rock Elementary. They plan to use their adaptive equipment to make many different things this school year. Thanks to Mrs. Lollis and Michelin for their donations that enable our class to practice these life skills.

Congratulations to Mrs. Carly Herron for being nominated as a Carolina Panthers Teacher of the Week. She received several gifts to use in her classroom. We are so proud of Mrs. Herron! Way to go!

All Aboard! Flat Rock is Full Steam Ahead!

Tomorrow is the big day, our first day of school! Make sure you are at your bus stop on time. Sometimes buses run a few minutes behind on the first day of school as well. If you are dropping your child off, please arrive to your school on time. We will see you all in the morning!

We are anxiously awaiting Monday morning when our sweet students return to Flat Rock! In the meantime, go check out our video posted on both our new and old facebook pages. We would love to have 10,000 views before school on Monday morning!

Flat Rock Elementary will host Meet the Teacher tomorrow, August 14 from 4 to 6 pm. If you did not attend registration, you will need to bring proof of residency or notarized affidavit. We look forward to seeing all of you.

Welcome Back FRES Faculty and Staff!