Just a reminder: Field Day t-shirt orders and snow cone money are due Wednesday, May 26! Don’t miss out!
Have a wonderful weekend! Don't forget to check out our post from yesterday with important information about the end of the school year!
Please visit the link below to view important information about the end of the school year! A letter will also be coming home with your students tomorrow about Awards Day, K5/5th Grade Graduations, and Field Day! As always, if you have any questions please feel free to call the school at 864-348-6400!
April showers bring May flowers...and our April Terrific Kids! Click the link to check out these outstanding students!
Keep reading...you're almost home! Reading All-Stars reading logs are due Friday, May 28!
We are so excited to announce that our 2020/2021 yearbooks are on sale! You can purchase a yearbook for $20.00 through your Efunds account! Once you have completed your purchase, the yearbook will be delivered to your student! These will be on sale until all yearbooks have been purchased.
Good afternoon Iva Elementary School parents. The end of the year is drawing near and we have one last survey we need for you to complete. Please complete the survey linked below by June 1st. You will be asked to type in the school id# that is listed below before beginning the survey. Thank you so much for your support! We greatly appreciate you!
Survey Link: https://ed.sc.gov/surveys/parent-survey/
School ID#: 0403024
We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Good afternoon parents and students! Friday, May 14th will be an e-Learning day for Anderson District Three. Students are expected to complete their e-Learning assignments in order to be counted present. Tomorrow, we will send home meals for Friday with every student. Please make sure you check your child's backpack so that the food does not get left in there over the weekend. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. Thank you!
Last week, many of our students received a letter inviting them to our summer program. These letters need to be returned by tomorrow, May 12th with either a yes or no! If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school and ask to speak to Mrs. Dantzler at 864-348-6400. Thank you so much for your support. We are very excited to kick off this summer program in June!
Let's finish up those last few pages...all library books are due back to the IES Library by Friday, May 28!
Happy Friday and Happy Mother's Day Weekend!
Have a wonderful weekend! Thank you for helping to make it another great week here at Iva!
Happy Friday from Mrs. Brown’s Class!☺️
The Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars challenge begins today! Reading logs are coming home in Friday Folders. Students must read 5 books to be eligible for prizes! All reading logs must be turned in by Friday, May 28. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Fortner. Let's knock it out of the park, All-Stars!
Our Spring Virtual Family STEM Challenge was a huge success! We are so proud of all of you who participated! Thank you to each of you who shared pictures of your bird feeders made out of recycled materials. They look awesome! Check out a few pictures below from some of our wonderful students.
Thankful for these 3 today and everyday!
Happy Administrative Professionals Day!
Parents, please take a moment to fill out the following survey. The data from this survey plays a crucial role as we begin planning for the upcoming school year. We appreciate your support! Please feel free to call the school with any questions or concerns!
*A voice message from Mr. Crawford went out earlier this afternoon explaining the importance of this survey!*
Have a wonderful night!
Happy Sunday Iva Elementary School parents and students! Thank you so much to those of you who have already submitted your spring virtual STEM project! All submissions are due by this Friday, April 23rd! We look forward to seeing everyone’s projects!
Please take a moment to look over the following update from Iva Elementary School! We hope you have a wonderful weekend!