Tax Free Weekend is Almost Here! 📚✏️ Get the details and start planning your Tax Free Weekend by visiting for shopping lists and FAQs!
over 4 years ago, A3 Daily
Tax Free
We still have a few yearbooks for sale! We will have these available for purchase at registration on August 4th! They are $20.00. Get one before they’re gone!
over 4 years ago, Iva Elementary Updates
2019-2020 Yearbook
Important Registration Information!
over 4 years ago, Marie Hall
Today is the last day to complete our "Parent Declaration of Intent" form so we may have a better understanding of our families' needs. If you have more than one child that attends Anderson 3, please fill out a form for each student.
over 4 years ago, A3 Daily
virtual learning
Online Registration is Now Open! To access, log in to your PowerSchool Parent Portal account. If you have questions regarding registration, please contact your child's school.
over 4 years ago, A3 Daily
Parents, please take the time to complete the Title I Survey. This information is very important, as it helps guide our future planning. We appreciate any feedback you can provide. Please click the link to complete the survey. Surveys need to be completed by June 17. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Tiger Announcements
Title I Survey
Help us say a huge thank you to our meal delivery heroes! These people have worked tirelessly to provide meals to our students during eLearning. We also want to thank the many volunteers that helped this crew pack and deliver meals!
over 4 years ago, Tiger Announcements
Iva Elementary Meal Delivery Crew
If you are interested in receiving meals for the rest of June, please fill out this form so we can get an accurate count. Meals will be delivered on Tuesday's and will include 7 days of food.
over 4 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Iva Families: Please click the link below to complete a survey from our district regarding distance learning and returning to school. We value your input as we make decisions about our upcoming school year. Thank you for all you do!
over 4 years ago, Tiger Announcements
Parent Survey
IES Families: The link below will take you to all of the summer learning choice boards for each grade in our school. This is a voluntary initiative, and there will be incentives for students who choose to participate and provide the appropriate documentation. Have a great summer!
over 4 years ago, SIMS Admin
Parents, please click on the following link to fill out this year’s Title I survey for IES as soon as possible. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, SIMS Admin
This years yearbook is llama-tastic, and available for pre-order. You may pick them up during our pick-up day on June 2nd! To order, visit:
over 4 years ago, A3 Daily
The tiger is ready for the rest of the K5 graduates! Don’t forget about drive-thru K5 Graduation until 7 PM. 🎓🐯
over 4 years ago, A3 Daily
Class of 2020
Text 2 Read is a free service that parents of preschoolers can sign up for! Use your phone to text T2R to the number 734-5BOOK52 (734-526-6552) and you’ll get a free weekly text with ways to prepare your child for Kindergarten and become ready to read!
over 4 years ago, A3 Daily
Text 2 Read
Text 2 Read
Please note the following dates and important information concerning the end of eLearning. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns!
over 4 years ago, Tiger Announcements
Important Information
STEAM Camp for the 2020 summer has been cancelled. We look forward to offering this opportunity next summer.
over 4 years ago, A3 Daily
Attention all IES K5 Parents: We wanted to celebrate our little graduates, so we will be having a “Drive-Thru Graduation Ceremony” on Tuesday, May 19th from 9:00am- 11:00am and then again from 5:00pm-7:00 pm. Parents will pull into the car line in single file, and teachers will escort students one at a time to give them their graduation hat and take a formal graduation picture in front of a fun backdrop. Then, teachers will escort the student back to their respective car and get the next student in line. Please dress your student in their best, and meet us at IES on May 19th to help us recognize our K5 grads. We can’t wait to see you and our sweet kiddos!
over 4 years ago, SIMS Admin
K5 grad
Attention Reading All-Stars! Your celebration game has been rescheduled, so mark your calendars for Sunday, August 9! More information will be coming your way soon!
almost 5 years ago, Tiger Announcements
Reading All-Stars Celebration Game
Welcome back to eLearning! Here's a fun read-aloud from Mrs. Fortner to help us get back in the swing of things! Click the link to hear The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors by Drew Daywalt!
almost 5 years ago, Tiger Announcements
The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors by Drew Daywalt
Good evening, Iva Elementary School! We hope you all have had a wonderful, healthy, and restful break. This is a reminder that tomorrow is the last day of the break, so eLearning will begin again on Tuesday, April 14th. As always, please contact your child’s teacher and/or the school if you have any questions or concerns. ❤️
almost 5 years ago, SIMS Admin