STEM students designed vehicles that would protect an egg while rolling down varying ramps.
We're playing LEGO Bingo in STEM! K-4 students followed directions on Bingo cards to build different types of animals.
We are celebrating our students who participated in Special Olympics! Look at all those smiles!
Iva and Flat Rock had a great time at today’s Area 14 Games! Flat Rock even got a photo with Anderson County Sheriff, Chad McBride, and Major, Bill Vaughn!
Shine bright like a "Dime"-ond! Iva Elementary is supporting the March of Dimes. Help us fight for stronger, healthier babies by taping dimes ($1.00 total) to the purple diamond sheet coming home this week!
First Baptist of Iva was full of talent for the A3 Fine Arts Showcase! Students from every school demonstrated their artistic and musical abilities. Here is a look at the Flat Rock, Iva, and Starr chorus members who all did an excellent job!
Today is #WorldStorytellingDay! This years theme is myths, legends, and epics. Don't forget to share a story with a child!
March 25th will be a Normal School Day.
The Book Fair has arrived at Iva! It will be in the library all week. Students will shop during library time, but it will be open to the community Tuesday, March 12, from 3:30-5:30 pm!
Anderson School District Three is holding a fundraiser for the March of Dimes. If you would like to purchase a shirt, please email or call Cheryl Smith at 348-6196 by Monday, March 11, 2019.
The t-shirt is white and costs $15. Please add $1 for each X added to the size after XL. All proceeds from the shirt sale will be given to the March of Dimes.
Wear your shirt and join faculty from Anderson Three at the March of Dimes walk on April 27, 2019.
This week was #employeeappreciation and the district office would like to say THANK YOU to our amazing employees! Anderson 3 would not be the same without the dedicated faculty and staff that work tirelessly to ensure our students receive the best possible education. We hope you enjoyed the BBQ lunch!
Students in Ms. Brock's class at Iva celebrated Black History Month by researching influential African American men and women!
Mrs. Ware's fifth grade students are currently completing their geometry unit and were being creative using pretzels and marshmallows to construct different 3D shapes. Students' knowledge of these shapes will help when determining volume of rectangular prisms and other 3D shapes.
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Kindergarten students are having fun learning all about measurement!
Tomorrow is Wacky Wednesday! Don’t forget to wear you wackiest socks!
A3 Fine Arts Showcase. Students from every school will be participating in this event!
Iva Elementary’s Jet Toy champions competed today at the Anderson 3 District Competition. We are so proud of all their hard work!
Second and third-graders introduced their families to computer programming at Iva’s Family Code Night. Thanks to all the families that came out to code with us!