We are lucky to have such great breakfast and lunch options! ☘️ To view, print or download a copy of our menus visit https://bit.ly/3HvbOmP
almost 3 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Lunch Menu
Starr Families, This is a reminder for parents of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls that Ms. Martin and Ms. Schweickhardt will be starting Girls on the Run next Monday, February 21st. This club is all about self-confidence, empowerment, and making friends. They will teach this through lessons and fun running activities. The club will meet every Monday and Thursday from 2:45-4:00pm. The cost is only $25, which includes a t-shirt, water bottle, snack and 5K race fee! If your child has misplaced her sign-up form, please let us know and we will send home another one. You can also go online to gotrupstatesc.org to register. We look forward to this fun opportunity for your child.
almost 3 years ago, Ashlea Hatcher
Congratulations to the students who were nominated for January Terrific Kid. Please check out the link below for a video presentation. Congratulations and keep up the hard work. https://bit.ly/3rVfYjl
almost 3 years ago, Tonya Barbare
5K Registration is Now Open! 🎒✏️ Visit https://bit.ly/A3registration2223 to complete online registration. Students must turn 5 on or before September 1, 2022. If your child is already enrolled in 4K in A3 you do not need to complete the 5K registration. If you have questions or concerns about 5K you may call the school your child is zoned to attend. To view our elementary attendance zones visit https://bit.ly/A3AttendanceZones.
almost 3 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Mark your calendars! 🗓 5K registration opens Wednesday, February 16. A link will be posted to our website and social media pages. Students must be five years old on or before September 1, 2022. Students currently enrolled in 4K do not need to be re-registered. I If you wish to apply your child as an out-of-district student, please contact the school of interest.
almost 3 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Congratulations to the students who achieved Honor Roll for the 2nd Nine Weeks. Please check out the link below for a video presentation. Congratulations and keep up the hard work. https://bit.ly/3g6JYlf
almost 3 years ago, Tonya Barbare
February Lunch Menus are Here! ❤️
almost 3 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
lunch Feb
Please check out this week's friendly reminders:
almost 3 years ago, Ashlea Hatcher
Starr Families, We have updated the packets and information for students that are quarantined. Please check out the presentation below. We appreciate your support and understanding during this time. If you have any questions, please contact the school at (864) 352-6154. Have a great evening. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PLozRdkImHxAciyhigR5GVL3MC1IwXzsl3Dlk8BoLA4/edit?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Ashlea Hatcher
4K Pre-Registration is now open! 🚌🎒 Visit http://bit.ly/A3K42022 to complete pre-registration. You will be notified via email of a date in the spring your child will be screened and information regarding required documentation. Your child must be four years of age on or before September 1, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Starr Families, Please select the link below to view your child's eLearning work for tomorrow, January 18th. Unless your child's teacher has notified you, this work should also be available in your child's folder or binder. If you have any questions, please email his/her teacher. Thank you all for your support. We hope everyone is safe and enjoying the snow! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OELb8QRUjjOG89YtUldgsDHZx5K4wuO-0wG3B4t_yEs/edit?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Ashlea Hatcher
Our 2022-2023 Calendar has arrived! 📅 To print or download, click here: https://bit.ly/A3Calendar2223
about 3 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Congratulations to our school spelling bee champion, Charlie Taylor! All of our 3rd - 5th-grade homeroom representatives performed exceptionally.
about 3 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Charlie Taylor
Spelling Bee Reps
Champion and Runner Up
Congratulations to the students who were nominated for December Terrific Kid. Please check out the link below for a video presentation. Congratulations and keep up the hard work. https://bit.ly/3rnnbHt
about 3 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Mark your calendars! 📅 Pre-Registration for Anderson 3's four-year-old program will open Wednesday, January 19, 2022. Your child must be four years of age on or before September 1, 2022. Be sure to be on the lookout for the online registration link on the 19th!
about 3 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Please read the following information that covers "what to do" if your child is, or becomes, quarantined from school. If you have any questions, contact Ashlea Hatcher at hatchera@acsd3.org. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Ashlea Hatcher
Congratulations to the students who were nominated for November Terrific Kid. Please check out the link below for a video presentation. Congratulations and keep up the hard work. https://bit.ly/3s9vjwY
about 3 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Starr Families, Check out next week's Holiday Dress-up Days! It is going to be a fun week of learning!
about 3 years ago, Ashlea Hatcher
dress up
Take a look at our December lunch menus! ❄️
about 3 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
December lunch
Our Kindergarten and 1st Grade classes participated in a Fall Festival at school. We would like to thank Callaham Orchard for the pumpkins. We also appreciate the students from Crescent High School Beta Club, Student Council, and Ag Class that helped plan activities and demonstrations for our students. A very special thank you to Milky Way Farms for bringing a dairy cow and talking to the students about milk production. Our students also loved the train ride provided by Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie and Donna Fowler! It was such a fun, learning experience for all of our students! Check out the pictures here! https://youtu.be/ZrokvpT-6r8 Reported by: Paxton, Clayton, AvLynn, and Natalie 5th Grade
about 3 years ago, Ariel Davis