We are currently taking donations to support our Annual Angel Tree. We have two ways that you can help. If you would like to sponsor a child by shopping from a wish list, please contact Mrs. Barbare (352-6154 or barbaret@acsd3.org). If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can drop cash or check by the Starr Elementary front office, or you may donate using a credit/debit card by accessing the link below. Any monetary donations would be greatly appreciated (no amount is too small). https://payments.efundsforschools.com/fundraising/districts/56355/campaigns/2024angeltree
5th grade students read "Pop's Bridge" about the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. Students then designed bridges using Legos.
Visit the Scholastic Store to order books for the holidays!
Happy Friday!! Please leave all doors open when you leave today and be out of the building by 4:00. Rodney Pinson is going to be treating the building this afternoon. It will be closed for the weekend. I hope everyone has a FABULOUS Fall Break!!!!
Check out this video of 3rd-5th grade students performing Hey Jack! https://youtu.be/V_Dol_C1wAM
Mrs. McGee's class loved their mystery readers this week!
Congratulations to all of the students who achieved honor roll for the 1st Nine Weeks. We are so proud of you and keep working hard! Click the link to see all of our amazing students. https://bit.ly/3YB7r5m
4th grade students create area models for multiplication! 🖤✖️💛🟰🐯
BooGrams went home with students today! Orders will be accepted through 10/30. If you need additional copies, please contact the homeroom teacher. 👻🎃📝
5th grade students made cards of encouragement to send to other 5th graders in NC that were affected by Hurricane Helene. 🐯🖤💛📝
Congratulations to our September Terrific Kids. We are so proud of their accomplishments. Check out the link below to see the amazing things they are doing. https://bit.ly/4heqGZG
Mark your calendars... Red Ribbon Week will be October 28 - November 1!
BOO! We need you! Candy donations are needed for TRUNK OR TREAT! Send donations with students or drop off in the office. Thank you!
Order your Scholastic books today! Use the link below to browse and submit an order.
4th Grade students created circuits using wire, a battery, and a light bulb and tested different materials to identify conductors!
2nd Grade students collected food for the Blessing Boxes in our community as a service project. Way to go!
Starr Families... Join us TOMORROW from 4-6pm! We can't wait to see you! 🐯 🏈 🎥 🌭 🔌 🛝
A glimpse into 2nd grade! 🤓🥸
Kindergarten sampled lemons and lemonade! 🍋
4th grade students engineered marshmallow launchers in STREAM!