Starr Parents: There will be NO After School Chorus Club on Wednesday, October 31.
about 6 years ago, Tammy Bowyer
Starr Parents: Information regarding the free Flu Clinic. The website for the online registration will not be available until Monday, October 22 (the code will work after this date) If you would like a paper registration form you can get that from our school nurse.
about 6 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Congratulations to Tonya Barbare. She was named our September Employee of the Month. Mrs. Barbare goes above and beyond in her duties and is always supportive of Starr's students, faculty, and staff. She is so deserving of this honor!
about 6 years ago, Dawn Moore
Mrs. Barbare
We had a great Family STEM Night! Thanks to everyone who came out and participated!
about 6 years ago, Lauren Sutherland
Family STEM Night
Building harvest machines to collect the corn!
Family STEM Night
Family STEM Night
We had a great Family STEM Night! Thanks to everyone who came out and participated!
about 6 years ago, Lauren Sutherland
Family STEM Night
Family STEM Night
Family STEM Night
Family STEM Night
Starr Parents: DHEC will be coming to Starr soon to administer flu vaccines to students whose parents give consent. You should have received a parent packet in Friday folders with information for our November 9 clinic. We encourage you to get your child vaccinated for the flu.
about 6 years ago, Tonya Barbare
First Graders using the Engineering Design Process to create pumpkin catapults!
about 6 years ago, Meredith Looney
Launching Pumpkins
Creating from designs!
Starr Parents: Please check Friday Folders - lots of information coming home today! Reminder about STEM night, information for United Way Change Challenge, Red Ribbon Week Dress Up days and Free Flu Shot Clinic. Also check the app & our website for upcoming events & information.
over 6 years ago, Tonya Barbare
First graders had a blast learning how to program Dash!
over 6 years ago, Lauren Sutherland
1st grade
1st grade
1st grade
1st grade
WYFF has incorrectly stated that all Anderson County districts are closed tomorrow. At this time, all Anderson County districts are open except Anderson 5. The other districts, including Anderson 3, plan to be on regular schedule tomorrow. The superintendents continue to monitor weather conditions and will have a conference call Thursday morning at 5 a.m. Any changes based on weather conditions will be announced after that call.
over 6 years ago, Aimee Gray
Starr Parents: Just a reminder that there will be no Good News Club this week (Thursday, October 11). Those students that participate in Good News Club they will not meet this week. We apologize for the inconvenience.
over 6 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Kindergarten students playing the bucket drums to differentiate between fast and slow tempos in Music.
over 6 years ago, Tammy Bowyer
K5 bucket drums
K5 Bucket Drums #2
K5 Bucket Drums #3
Be sure to mark your calendars for next Tuesday, October 16th for a fun-filled family event!! Will your family be crowned champion?
over 6 years ago, Lauren Sutherland
STEM Night
Fifth grade students creating their own musical rhythmic patterns and performing them in class.
over 6 years ago, Tammy Bowyer
Fifth grade rhythmic patterns
Fifth grade rhythmic patterns #2
Friends and Family Fundraiser is deadline has been extended until Thursday, 10/11. If you sell 15 or more you will get to take a Limo ride to lunch at Pizza Buffet on 11/27/2018. Thank you for your support in our fundraising efforts.
over 6 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Second graders experimenting with high and low pitches with the use of keyboards in Music.
over 6 years ago, Tammy Bowyer
Second grade with keyboards #2
Second graders with keyboards
No Good News Club this week (Thursday, October 11). Those students that participate in Good News Club they will not meet this week. We apologize for the inconvenience.
over 6 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Friends and Family Fundraiser is due Friday, October 5. Keep selling....and collecting your Dino Collectibles. If you sell 15 or more you will get to take a Limo ride to lunch on 11/27/2018. Thank you for your support in our fundraising efforts.
over 6 years ago, Tonya Barbare
5th graders traveled to Fort Mandan in modern day North Dakota where they learned Lewis and Clark were during the winter of 1804-1805. #googleexpeditions #westwardexpansion #acsd3
over 6 years ago, Lauren Sutherland
Third graders are recreating the setting in their story and bringing their visualizations to life.
over 6 years ago, Lauren Sutherland