Thank you for the amazing turnout that we had at Starr for picking up your child’s eLearning materials. We appreciate your support and look forward to supporting you in the coming days. Remember, you can contact your teacher or the school if you have questions or concerns.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Chromebook and E-Learning materials will be available for pickup at Starr Elementary, Tuesday, March 17 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Parents will pick up materials in the car rider line located at the gym entrance. We will form two lines, left lane for K3-2nd and right lane for 3rd-5th. If you have more than one child please use the 3-5 line if you have a child in that grade. Please do not get out of your car we will have someone to bring materials to your window. Assignments will begin on Wednesday, March 18. Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher during the hours of 9-10:30 am or 1-3 pm. We appreciate your support and efforts during these unusual circumstances. We wish your family well.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Scholastic Book Fair has a new, online way to pay called eWallet. Students can spend up to the amount you authorize, but no more. Any amount less than what you authorize will not be charged. If you are interested in using this new payment option, go to to get started.
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Moore
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be open March 16-19. Please watch for the promotional flyer to come home this week in Friday folders, and don't forget that sales tax applies to each purchase.
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Moore
Book Fair
3rd graders had a blast at their multiplication fiestá!🌮✖️
almost 5 years ago, Ashlea Hatcher
3rd graders
3rd graders
3rd graders
 3rd graders
Don't forget about Kona Ice's visit this week!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
A few reminders for this week. Dress up days for Dr. Seuss all week and Spring pictures on Wednesday. Don't forget to RSVP for our Family Tech Talk Night on Internet Safety Thursday 5:30-6:30. Also we will have Kona Ice for the kids to purchase on Friday. They are $3.00 each!
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
K4 through 2nd Grade Parents. Just a reminder that tomorrow is a field trip for all K4 through 2nd grade students. Please make sure that students are at school on time, we will be leaving by 8:30. The school will be providing a bag lunch. We are looking forward to this exciting trip.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Anderson Three will be observing an eLearning Day Friday, February 21. Students should refer to your take-home eLearning packet for assignments. As a reminder, students will have five (5) days to complete the assignments. For questions regarding eLearning, visit
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Anderson Three is closely monitoring the weather and its impact on our schools tomorrow. Decisions about school closing, if necessary, will be made at the appropriate time to ensure student and staff safety. In preparation for possible inclement weather, your child's teachers have sent home eLearning packets to be used in the case of an actual eLearning day. eLearning preparation does NOT mean that school will be cancelled but allows lessons to be at home “just in case” school is cancelled. Directions for lesson completion and lesson turn-in will be provided by teachers. In the event of an eLearning Day, students who do not return their completed eLearning lessons within five (5) school days will be marked absent. Anderson Three is preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. The A3 eLearning Website has details of the procedures:
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Fifth grade students competed in the annual Jet Toy competition today. Over the past few weeks, students have built their cars and practiced running them to complete the various challenges given. These challenges included accuracy, distance, weight, and time.
almost 5 years ago, Dawn Moore
Jet Toy
Jet Toy
Jet Toy
Jet Toy
Thank you, SC Representative Jay West, for donating $500 to our Robotics Team for their competition trip to Australia!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Starr Elementary and all ACSD3 schools will operate on a 2-hour delay tomorrow (2/7). Our transportation department along with officials will look at bus routes in the morning and notify us of any changes. Please stay safe.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Shout out to our amazing students for their wonderful behavior today during our time in the hallways. A big thank you to all of our faculty and staff for your dedication to our students and for stepping in to help wherever we needed you.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Officer Davis, Mr. Maxey and Mrs. Suber helping at lunch.
Due to the inclement weather we are dismissing at 2:00. Another wave of storms are supposed to hit later and we want to get all of our students home safely. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Starr Elementary students and staff are back on regular schedule. All after school activities (Good News and all recreation games at Starr) have been cancelled for this evening.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Starr Elementary is currently taking proper precautions in light of the current weather conditions. Everyone is safe at this time. We will continue to update throughout the day.
almost 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
#Bringmemycane 👴🏽
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
100th Day of School
4th Graders had a great time at the Roper Mountain Science Center today!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Roper Mountain Science Center
Roper Mountain Science Center
Roper Mountain Science Center
Roper Mountain Science Center
We also have the BEST school cafeteria staff!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
School Cafeteria Staff