Best. School. Ever.
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
best school ever
Starr Hooded Sweatshirts for Sale! Orders are due by Friday, January 24th. Check your Friday Folders for more information!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Hoodies for Sale
Thank you, Crescent Basketball, for reading with some of our students today!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
CHS Basketball
We just hosted Energy Endgame, an energy-saving program at school and have an opportunity to start saving energy in our own community! If you haven’t yet, you can sign-up for your FREE energy efficiency kit and reduce your home’s carbon footprint – and help our school win cash rewards! Request your kit by going to, calling 1-855-386-9548 or mailing in one of the postage-paid forms we sent home
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
We have a new check-in kiosk located in the front lobby. Please make sure to always have your driver's license with you when you come. This kiosk should be used anytime you enter the building. You will need to use the kiosk for signing in students that are tardy as well as early dismissals. Please let us know if you need assistance.
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Please join us for our annual Thanksgiving Meal, Thursday, November 21. We have a new check in kiosk, so please make sure to have your driver's license with you. We expect a lot of visitors for our meal, so please arrive 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled time to eat. Happy Thanksgiving!
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Thank you for supporting "Change for Karmen" sponsored by our student council. Our students donated $649.50 to help with her medical bills.
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Student Council presenting Karmen's siblings with our donation.
Mrs. Eaton’s first grade class celebrated their hard work in writing with a Writers Celebration on Thursday. Parents were invited to come and share in the celebration, as well.
about 5 years ago, Dawn Moore
Writers Celebration
Writers Celebration
First grade joined with fifth grade to make slime on Halloween! Each fifth grader helped their first grade buddy to measure out the ingredients to make slime. After making slime, each student had to problem solve and figure out how to blow a bubble with their slime. Fifth and first grade had a blast!
about 5 years ago, Dawn Moore
Making slime
Making slime
Making slime
Making slime
The 4-H Club’s rain barrel and compost bin arrived today!
about 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Rain Barrell
Fifth grade students had a great time reviewing area and perimeter with an interactive lesson using Cheez-Its and Pear Deck. Students created figures using crackers and then sketched the figure on their Chromebook. Finally, students found the area and perimeter for the figures they created.
about 5 years ago, Dawn Moore
Fifth grade math lesson
Fifth grade math lesson
There will be NO Good News Club this Thursday, October 31.
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Your child's fundraiser order will be delivered to Starr on Monday, October 28 and must be picked up between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm. There are frozen products and we want to make sure they get all picked up since we do not have any space to store orders not picked up. Thank you so much for your awesome support of this fundraiser.
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Your child's fundraiser order will be delivered to Starr on Monday, October 28 and must be picked up between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm. There are frozen products and we want to make sure they get all picked up since we do not have any space to store orders not picked up. Thank you so much for your awesome support of this fundraiser.
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Makeup Picture money will be due by Wednesday, October 30.
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Golden Tickets are coming home today for tonight's Crescent football game. The ticket says Friday, but the game was changed to tonight. Remember this is an elementary student ticket for the game tonight at 7:30. Thank you for your support of the United Way and Crescent Football.
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Halloween Grams are on sale! All proceeds go to support our annual United Way Campaign. Grams are 50 cents each. Order forms will be in Friday folders.
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Join us as we support United Way! UW Campaign is 10/21-10/25. Bring in $1.00 (or a penny, dime, nickel or quarter) and receive a student ticket to Crescent's Football Game on Friday, October 25! We hope that every child will be able to donate something and enjoy some football!
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
Starr Elementary will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week on October 28 through November 1. We would love to see each student participating in the daily events! We will have a "Kick-Off Parade on Monday 10/28 and would love for our parents to come! Please see the schedule below.
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare
RRW Dress Up Days
This is a reminder that DHEC will be in our district on November 14 and 15 to administer flu shots to our students. Parents must complete either a paper or online consent form for their child to participate. The online link is available until October 31. If you signed your child up to get a flu shot and there has been a change in his or her health, or if he or she has already received the flu vaccine, please call DHEC Regional office at (864) 596-2227 Ext. 246. Thank you for all that you do at home to keep our students healthy and ready to learn.
about 5 years ago, Tonya Barbare